Sunday, November 21, 2010

sad gypsy.

(cat) feeding time in this household is kind of an ordeal.  they are all on meds.  amanda is on three.  and they are all food-obsessed.  seriously.  the moment my alarm goes off in the morning or i walk in the door from work at night i am surrounded by all the different mews just begging me to please save them from imminent starvation.  oh and on weekends did i want to sleep in?  HA.

in the rare event that i do walk in the door to a quiet apartment i IMMEDIATELY know something is wrong.  that something usually being gypsy has managed to open amanda's food container and eat SIX CUPS of food (for context, she normally gets 1/8 cup twice a day...).

that isn't actually the topic of the post, but you needed to know how much gypsy loves food for this story to make sense.

gypsy gets quarters of pills hidden in a delicious pill pocket which she eats directly from my hand before i can even walk over to her food station.  quartering pills usually leaves a nice bit of accumulated pill dust in the bottom of the pill vial.  so, in a moment of laziness, i decided to put that pill powder to use.  instead of giving her a pill i decided to just sprinkle an amount of powder that looked-ish like a quarter-ish directly onto gypsy's food.  i figured, she'll eat anything even remotely food (dairy) flavored, so there was no way she would turn down her food.

wrong.  wrong wrong WRONG.  well, kind of wrong.  she did eat it.  but SO slowly.  and all the while sadly looking up at me as if i were poisoning her.  i mean, there was no way she wasn't going to eat it, but she was real sad about it.  i'm sorry gyps!  i'll stick to pill pockets from now on!

so sad.
and yes, she eats on a plate.  under normal circumstances this
slows down her ravenous gulping and sometimes make her chew.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! That is the SADDEST Gypsy -- ever, Morgan!

    No purrs? No 3-minute-post-meal-licking frenzy after this dinner, is there?

    She's totally going to sneak onto your chest tonight, and suck your breath right out of you.
